NTRI development plan up to 2020

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FGBU "Novosibirsk Tuberculosis Research Institute" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation  Development plan up to 2020

1. Development of human resource capacity

Currently the Institute has staff of 475 workers. In 2014 it is planned to increase the number of NTRI personnel to 575 due to changes in the Order of medical care providing to patients with tuberculosis according to which introduction of subspecialty physicians is permitted (recommended). The Order is approved by Russian Ministry of Justice therefore an increasing in funding for TB facilities can be expected.

"Science" sector

Currently in NTRI Science department  has: 46 researchers, including 7 Doctors of Medical Sciences and 9 Candidates of Medical Sciences. Usually the NTRI presents 1-2 doctoral or candidate dissertations each year.

The average age of scientists is 46 years, but due to the beginning noticeable influx of young scientists this figure will gradually decline and up to 2016 it should reach 42 years.

In 2013 employees of the NTRI published 8 articles in ranking journals (with impact factor not less than 0.3). Since 2015 it is planned to increase number of publications in rating journals and in 2019 it will be 12 publications or more.

The total impact factor (the amount of journal impact factors, where NTRI researchers have publications) in 2013 was 6; in 2014-2015 it is planned about 7; in 2016 - 2020 – about 8.

Total Hirsch index (citation of scientific articles written by NTRI researchers) in 2013 amounted 18, and from 2014 to 2020 we plan phased increasing of this figure to 22.

"Health care" sector

Manning of NTRI clinic by physicians now is 0.85, by nurses is 0.8. The institution leadership plans to bring these figures up to 0.9 and 1.0 respectively during the 2014-2020 years.

Considerably daunting task today is recruiting of medical orderlies. Manning level for medical orderlies is very low - only 0.5 (the ratio of workers to total bets number). We expect to achieve optimal manning level (0.8-0.9) to 2017-2018.

As for the NTRI employees salary level in comparison with the average salary in Novosibirsk region in 2013 for doctors it was 161%, for nurses - 85%, for medical orderlies - 48%.

Considering specifics of working in TB facilities, NTRI leaders sets the task to make substantial changes in these ratios, especially medical orderly salary should be changed dynamically. At 2017 physician salary in NTRI should be 200% in comparison with the average salary in Novosibirsk region, nurse salary and medical orderly salary should be 100%. In a next three years, the growth of this indicator for all three categories of employees will continue to 206% and 106%, respectively.

2. Federal State Institution Development (as a whole)

By 2016 33% and by 2020 66% of NTRI laboratories and divisions will be upgraded to a level corresponding to the requirements of good practices (GLP).

Currently NTRI is a member of 5 scientific platforms (according to the "Strategy of medical science development in the Russian Federation until 2025"). Starting next year we expect to participate in 6 scientific platforms.

Number of scientific critical technologies implemented by the Institute will be also increased: today there are 4, but in 2014 there will be 8.

Novosibirsk Tuberculosis Research Institute is the owner of 12 Russian patents for inventions (treatment methods and diagnosis). During the period 2013-2020 NTRI leaders plan to receive 1-2 patents for inventions annually.

Currently NTRI uses in practice many medical technologies, 4 of these are exclusive. Under the rubric "Personalized chemotherapy" two methods are used: anti-TB treatment by intermittent intravenous drug administration and peribronchial drug administration; under the rubric "Surgery on the trachea and main bronchi" – endobronchial valve technology; under the rubric "Reconstructive plastic chest surgery" - osteoplastic thoracoplasty in the complex therapy of pulmonary tuberculosis.

In the structure of medical care provided by the NTRI clinic these exclusive technologies occupy 30% and they are applied in the treatment of 36% of patients. It is planned that by 2020 the proportion of unique (exclusive) therapeutic technologies will reach 40% of all used in NRTI treatment methods. It should be noted that the endobronchial valve is one of innovative treatment methods was developed with the direct participation of NTRI experts, this technology is presented in foreign medical centers. Information about new medical technologies developed and implemented by NTRI traditionally arouse big interest among of participants of Russian and international forums, it gives us a reason to continue our work on translation of these technologies into the international medical practice.

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